Antonym of blag. Also, a little bit of an embarrassing mistake that you can't help but laugh along with everyone else once caught out on.
Antonym of blag. Also, a little bit of an embarrassing mistake that you can't help but laugh along with everyone else once caught out on.
(n) An expression of distaste; a blip of the tongue saying “blah”.
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(adj) Engaged in or given to meditation; showing a tendancy towards process, power or faculty of thinking.
(n) The ability to apply one's imagination to a post or comment on a blog. It is an intangible, and waxes and wanes in a rather inexplicable manner.
A redirection status, used to indicate the linked resource should exist, or will exist, or indeed may already exist but one is too lazy to link to it. When you need a link but don't know what, use this page, then fully intend to optionally put the real link in the comments.
(adj.) blor`jing. A post that is boring to read, often because the subject matter is so esoteric as to hold little or no interest for the average reader. The reason I cannot post more to my own blog about cool and crazy IT stuff.
(n) The sudden physical reaction a blogger has when they think of a fantastic post topic.
(n) This is the sudden jerky movements or wild thrashing about that overwhelms a person when their mobile phone goes off somewhere it shouldn't.